This week on KBKabaret
This Week’s Musical Guest:
Mike Powers
KBKabaret Comedy Variety Show
♬ “To Dream the….POSSIBLE …PLAN!”
Bree Harvey, Producer, Head Writer and product of a dysfunctional environment, started this show with a buck and a passion in her gut.
Since then, the show has been become one of the most popular podcasts in Parlor City History.
Neighbors like Granny Ada, Chef Extraordinaire Beulah Dehsams, and Monty and Carey stop by and give advice, recipes and fairly tolerable jokes.
They are just some of the nut jobs Darlings of Parlor City and KBKabaret.
KBKabaret has a Kallaballoo of
- Original Comedy Skits,
- Original Musicians,
- and some mighty intoxicating recipes.
If you’re a fan of the old fashioned sitcoms and the new-fashioned variety shows…
See why everybody LOVES KBKabaret™.