About KBKabaret

Bree Harvey on KBKabaret

KBKabaret™, Comedy Variety Show is filled with fun comedy skits and great original music.

The show is the brainchild of Bree Harvey, president of BHH Productions the MC and head writer for KBKabaret.

In the Fall of 2015, Bree Harvey launched her new show: KBKabaret.
KBKabaret is the tribute to the comedy variety shows Bree had grown up with and loved:  shows like Carol Burnett, Sonny and Cher, the Smothers Brothers, Laugh-in, Hee-Haw, SNL.

She got together a bunch of her talented friends and said “Hey kids, Let’s do a show!”

Featuring these talented friends: writers and actors John Carey and John Montgomery, voice talents:  Judy McMahon and Kate Murray and Charles Berman, who also doubles as Sound Engineer, along with his assistant sound engineer Val Monfeuga, KBKabaret became a reality.

This show is all about comedy, but then a Comedy Variety show would not be anything without MUSIC.

Every week KBKabaret features ORIGINAL musicians playing their original songs along with a personal interview.  Bree wants to keep all works original giving artists a fantastic platform, where amazing new talent can be discovered right on the show.  “There aren’t too many places where writers and Musicians can come together and say, “Hey, Look at me!”

Placed in the middle of Parlor City, KBKabaret is a KallaBalloo of hometown stories focusing on things we never observed or people we never met and who we never told, “Be nice or one day we’ll write about you…hee hee hee.”

And now if you have been wondering what exactly the KB stands for….

What’s KallaBalloo?  A collection of Creative Magic from vivid imagination.  “I was 5 when I coined that word and it’s been around my family ever since.” –  Bree Harvey

Visit our podcast page for outtakes of our show.
And download our new app for your smart phone in Google Play, iTunes, and Amazon to get our current show, entire past episodes, amazing boozy recipes and more.

♬ Welcome to our Town to KBKabaret.